Vijay Singh Purohit

Indore, India (IN)ยท

Vijay is an AI Engineer, upskilling his learning in different areas that require Defects Detection, Vision Inspection, Machine vision. Skilled in Python, C++ (Programming Language), Deep Learning, and Process Mining. Bringing forth a proven track record of analyzing complex datasets and serving as a reliable advisor. I Carry knowledge of industrial cameras such as Line Scan Camera, Basler, CSI, Banner, IP, CCTV Camera. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor of Engineering focused in Computer Science and Masters in Data Science. I am experienced in leveraging Software Development to provide robust software solutions for high-level/Mid-level organizations.


AI Engineer

Robro Systems

  • ROS | Computer Vision | Neural Network | Deep Learning.
  • Vision Inspection | Defects Identification | Industry 4.0
  • Built libraries using C++ | STL | Python.
  • Working with CUDA, GPU, OpenCV.
  • Experience with model training.
  • Applying ML and DL techniques in production.
  • Working directly under the CEO & founding team.
  • Industry experience in building and production end-to-end systems.
  • Solid experience with data-set creation, management, and augmenting.
  • Experience in Cloud Integration and Deployments on Embedded Systems.
  • Providing Vision-based Count, Inspection & Action Solutions to industries.
  • Understand and address problems associated with training/tuning deep learning models.
  • Indore, IN
    Nov 2021 - Present

    Data Scientist and Machine Learning Intern


  • Work closely with the founding team.
  • Research Involved in Computer Vision for building Object Detection, Tracking, Segmentation Model.
  • Building Products using AI & ML to handle visual Data.
  • Process Live Stream data - for object Detection.
  • Allocate resources on VM(s) and Deploy product(s) using GCP(Google Cloud Platform).
  • Mumbai, IN
    May 2021 - Nov 2021


    School of Data Science and Forecasting

    DAVV, Indore
    Data Science

    SGPA: 8.03 (Pursuing)

    August 2020 - May 2022

    Mahakal Institute of Technology

    RGPV, Bhopal
    Bachelor of Engineering
    Computer Science and Engineering

    CGPA: 6.5

    July 2015 - May 2019


    Programming Languages & Tools
    • Good ability to understand Problem.
    • Ability to communicate
    • Ability to collaborate with others
    • Technical competence
    • Ability to reason about data
    • Motivation and ability to take initiative


    Data Scientist Capstone Project

    Description :
    In this project, I use the data to answer 2 business questions:
    a. What are the main drivers of an effective offer on the Starbucks app?
    b. Could the data provided, namely offer characteristics and user demographics, predict whether a user would take up an offer?

    This project was written in Python, using Jupyter Notebook on Anaconda. The relevant Python packages for this project are as follows:

    • pandas
    • numpy
    • math
    • json
    • sklearn.model_selection (train_test_split module)
    • sklearn.preprocessing (StandardScaler, PolynomialFeatures)
    • from sklearn.tree (DecisionTreeClassifier,DecisionTreeRegressor)
    • arn.ensemble (RandomForestClassifier)
    • sklearn.metrics (mean_squared_error,classification_report)
    • sklearn.linear_model (Ridge)
    • time
    • sklearn.model_selection (GridSearchCV)
    • matplotlib

    Analyzing Message Data for Disaster Response

    Description :
    In this project, we have built a model to classify messages that are sent during disasters. There are 36 pre-defined categories, and examples of these categories include Aid Related, Medical Help, Search And Rescue, etc. By classifying these messages, we can allow these messages to be sent to the appropriate disaster relief agency. This project will involve the building of a basic ETL and Machine Learning pipeline to facilitate the task. This is also a multi-label classification task, since a message can belong to one or more categories. We will be working with a data set provided by Figure Eight containing real messages that were sent during disaster events.

    This project was written in Python, using IDE. I'm using Visual Studio Code. The relevant Python packages for this project are as follows:

    • pandas
    • numpy
    • sqlalchemy
    • re
    • NLTK
    • pickle
    • Sklearn
    • plotly
    • flask
    For more projects, please visit my GitHub repository here.


    Apart from being a developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors.

    When forced indoors, I follow a number of Sufi genre Songs and Singing Auditions, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the Data Science world.

    Awards & Certifications

    • Google Analytics Certified Developer
    • Data Scientist Nanodegree
    • IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate
    • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    • Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python
    • Artificial Intelligence for Business Applications
    • Julia Scientific Programming (with Honors)
    • Python for Data Science and AI
    • Machine Learning - Stanford University